Jules Kelley is an author of character-driven fiction, widely ranging in tone and style. Here is what you will find on her website.
The Blog posts are not updated frequently, but do contain thoughts on the processes and content of the work.
The Works page contains descriptions, content notes, and buy links for currently available publications, plus flash-length free fiction and previews of upcoming works in progress.
The About page is where you will find the official bio, credit for webpage design, and a secret insight into the author’s personality, as well as links to social media.

Grace has had a crush on her older brother’s best friend, Maya, since before she knew she could even have crushes on girls. When Maya is the one who picks her up from the airport for her brother’s wedding in their small hometown of Opelika, Alabama, she finally gets the chance to act on that crush. Besides, isn’t it tradition for the best man to hook up with a bridesmaid?

When Grace’s father has a health issue, Grace comes home for Spring Break and ends up getting caught out in the rain. Fortunately, Maya is just a phone call away.
It’s been over a year since Grace and Maya locked themselves in a room at a Grace’s brother’s wedding and gave in to the attraction that had been brewing between them — but neither of them have gotten it out of their system. Now it’s Halloween, and Maya finds herself being dragged out to a haunted maze by her best friend’s little sister, who seems to once again have ulterior motives. But are they willing to hook up again if it means confronting the implications it has for the future?